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Garbhadhan Sanskar

This Sanskara Is Performed For The Fulfillment Of One’s Parental Obligation And A Continuation Of The Human Race. This Is A Fervent Prayer For The Impregnation Of The Foetus With The Life-Giving Soul Force. Garbha Means Womb And Dhana Means Give Or Donate. This Sanskara Is Performed After Marriage And Before The Conception Of A Child. In This Sanskara, The Couple Chants Vedic Mantras For A Healthy, Loving And Happy Married Life And The Wish For A Son Or Daughter That Would Bring New Joy In The Home.

एतत् संस्कृतं मातापितृदायित्वस्य पूर्तये मानवजातेः निरन्तरतायै च क्रियते । जीवनदायित्वात्मबलेन भ्रूणस्य गर्भधारणाय एषा प्रखरप्रार्थना अस्ति। गर्भ इत्यर्थः गर्भ इत्यर्थः धनं च ददातु वा दानम् इत्यर्थः । विवाहात् परं बालगर्भधारणात् पूर्वं च एतत् संस्कृतम् । अस्मिन् संस्कारे दम्पती स्वस्थस्य, प्रेमपूर्णस्य, सुखदस्य च वैवाहिकजीवनस्य कृते वैदिकमन्त्राणां जपं करोति तथा च पुत्रस्य वा पुत्रीयाः वा इच्छां करोति यत् गृहे नूतनं आनन्दं आनयिष्यति।

Benefit of Garbhadhan Sanskar

Garbh Sanskar helps to calm down the mother. It helps to maintain blood pressure, reduce stress, and provide peace of mind to both the mother and the baby. The positivity due to Garbh Sanskar releases endorphins in the mother, reduces brain shrinkage, and enhances cognitive function.

Garbh Sanskar is a traditional Indian practice that can have many benefits for both the mother and baby, including:

  • Bonding: Garbh Sanskar can help strengthen the bond between the mother and the baby. 
  • Mental and emotional development: Garbh Sanskar can help the baby develop a positive mindset and character.
  • Physical development: Garbh Sanskar can help the baby develop better sleeping habits and be more active at birth.
  • Maternal health: Garbh Sanskar can help the mother feel more positive and less stressed, which can improve her overall health.
  • Labor: Garbh Sanskar can help reduce stress and increase the mother's pain threshold during labor, which can lead to a shorter labor and fewer complications.
  • Baby's response to breastfeeding: Garbh Sanskar can help the baby respond better during breastfeeding

Some activities that are part of Garbhadhan Sanskar include:

  1. Listening to soft music
  2. Meditation and yoga
  3. Talking to the fetus
  4. Paying attention to food
  5. Staying physically active
  6. Reading ancient scriptures